Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Trial Date Set!

In regard to the hearing scheduled for October 26, 2010 in Caddo Valley City Court. A not guilty plea was entered by the accused Huber Rental employee Greg Maxwell. A trial date has been set for. December 14, 2010 . Seem s a VERY long ways away from the commission of the crime, but that also moves it WELL past the November elections, very interesting.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Lt. Governor Candidate Mark Darr Political Presence or False Propaganda

This author has seen a number of signs for Mark Darr who is running for Lt. Governor in Arkansas. One of these is even in the front window of Huber Property Rentals in Arkadelphia, owned by Attorney & Justice of the Peace Jonathan Huber. First off anyone Huber supports we do not and would further encourage others not.
After seeing that and remembering having seen a number of these same signs displayed all over the area the wheels began to turn. Low and behold they are present on Huber Properties.

Huber’s lease states: “Lessor reserves the right to place political signs on the premise. Campaign signs placed by Lessee must be approved by Lessor prior to placement on property.”

   This means that just because you see a sign on your neighbor’s property, if it’s owned or managed by Huber Rentals they may not truly be supporters of the politician or proposition displayed.
  Furthermore, Huber himself is granted the power too decide WHO gets political coverage. So if a tenant supports a certain person or proposition and Huber does not then; Huber can restrict the tenets rights to free speech and voter rights by not allowing them to display a sign of who or what the TENANT supports if Huber disagrees.
  Not sure who Justice of the Peace Huber believes he is or makes him believe he has the right to do this, but appears he is suffering from delusions of grandeur.
  I thought we left tyrants for this country many years ago and that many people have given their lives over the years, so that we have FREEDOMS such as the ability to exercise free speech and protection from harassment for political beliefs.
  Seems by his actions Justice of the Peace Huber has a total disregard for those lives lost and rights earned at the cost of MANY American lives.

As for Lieutenant Governor Candidate Mark Darr who if apart of such skullduggery, you are not a person we Arkansans’ would want supporting our rights if you have to force your political signs on to others to get coverage and violate the Constitution by not allowing free speech; one thing ALL Americans hold dear. How can we expect you to perform properly when in office? If you do not value these fundamental rights, shame on you sir!
To the voters PLEASE take the time to ask your friends, neighbors, or family member do you support this person and what is you’re thoughts on their agenda, especially if it a property managed or owned by Justice of the Peace Huber, because there is no justice in false propaganda!

As a tyrant & politician once stated about propaganda:  By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make a people see even heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise. ....Adolf Hitler

Monday, October 11, 2010

Tenant Speaks Out On Treatment While Renting

This is a post that was in the comment section on this Blog wrote by a previous tenant of Justice of the Peace Jonathan Huber of Huber Rentals, it is deserving of its own post in the public area where as not to be buried in the back page comment section.
And to Ms. Renee if you will get me a copy of your video, upon review of it I will embed it in this Blog for others to be informed via You Tube of your story.
The reality is we need more brave people like yourself to come forward shaking your fist that we have had enough! Behavior such as this will NOT be tolerated in our communities, taking peoples hard earned money while forcing them to live in substandard conditions.
The Post Is As Follows:
“I would first just let me say my friends, family, and I commend you for your blog site. I like many others have experienced problems from Jonathan Huber. I would love to share my story. We went through everything possible to see if he could get into trouble for his poor landlord qualities. My roomate and I went 40 days without heat during the coldest part of winter. We could see our breathe in our house. When it snowed in Arkadelphia we had no heat. We could see our breath it was 32 degrees in our house. We made a video during the whole issue but never did anything with it. I wish there was something we could do so that others would not have to deal with the same issues we all have. Before we moved into the house with no heat we lived in an apartment on frost road where we got broken into (our door was kicked in. Our door was not fixed for 10 days and Huber saw no problem in the matter. It's such a shame.”
 Posted In Comments Section By: Mallory Renee October 9, 2010

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Renting company causes tenant complaints - News

A very interesting article in the Henderson Collage News Paper the, Oracle.  Wrote about the ins and out of renting in the area. And focuses on a number of issues and Mr. Huber and his property, leases and all around nature as a landlord.

This author finds the photos, of the interior of the Huber property and the stories that people have told, shocking and appalling. And once again I would direct parties to my post of what the definition of a “Slumlord” is and for you to make your own judgment in the matter.
Click on the link below for more:

Renting company causes tenant complaints - News

The Pot Calling The Kettle Black.. UPDATE!

On September 13, 2010 an article was written called “The Pot Calling The Kettle Black” which can be read at: www.slumlordsexposed.blogspot.com/2010/09/pot-calling-kettle-black.html

In it there was a post taken from
Merchants Circle
an online forum similar to a public version of an on-line better business bureau. Where parties can rate the good or bad of parties and business that they have had association with.

The post was from a Bob Foley of Altek Systems in Houston Texas. It stated:

 “Jonathan Huber Atty. - Non-Payment of Obligations Jonathan Huber has outstanding payables due to Altek Systems for Equipment Rentals. He has not responded to repeated inquiries
June 07, 2010 by Altek Systems, Bob Foley in Houston, TX

It appears that Mr. Huber has responded to the allegations and states:

“Account Paid in Full
Mr. Foley failed to post a follow up blog that stated the account was paid in full. Mr. Foley also failed to state that the equipment he sold was defective and that the delay in payment was due to its defective nature. All payments were made as agreed by the parties, and cancelled checks are available for inspection to support this claim.
September 19, 2010 by Jonathan Huber in Arkadelphia, AR

Discrepancy in Mr. Huber’s version exists, in that Mr. Foley states that the debt was for “Equipment Rentals” and Huber states “equipment he sold was defective” [emphasis added]  As well it does not state as to when, the payment was made. Only that “Mr. Foley failed to post a follow up blog that stated the account was paid in full.” And that “All payments were made as agreed by the parties…” Obviously not if Mr. Foley had to take his argument to the web and made “repeated inquiries” which “He has not responded to…” Hmmm that sounds familiar where have I heard that???  O’ the White Elephant Apartment file!!!
Given Mr. Huber’s past performance and having been caught in numerous lies, Altek Systems has attempted to be contacted only to find that they have closed, most likely due to DEADBEATS not paying their bills. But we will diligently be seeking Mr. Foley to verify the statements of Mr. Huber.

Furthermore, if Mr. Huber would like to present copies of his contract with Altek Systems as well as canceled checks, etc or anything that he wishes to use to prove the allegation Mr. Foley claimed is false. Other than HIS word.  Then I would be more than happy to post them here for him to plead his case to the public.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

MORE Seeds to Weeds, Cut Your DAM Grass.

This is a reader submitted picture we will call this person Ms. H.  :o)  of a property she states is owned or managed by Huber Rentals located at 1002 South 3rd in Arkadelphia. I have driven by the place and have confirmed this depiction is VERY accurate in fact the picture looks better that the actual property. I intend to take and post better pictures tomorrow in regards to this property.

And conditions like this seem to be typical for Mr. Huber’s property and a pattern is defiantly forming

"Huber Told Me Too!"

Without diving to in-depth in the issue as charges are pending in the matter. With a court date of, October 26, 2010 at in Caddo Valley City Court. Meet Greg Maxwell a parolee that works for Huber Rentals. We were graced with Mr. Maxwell’s presence on September 21, 2010 after his truck was seen by witnesses leaving our residence on
Frost Rd.
in Caddo Valley with our central air unit in the back.  After contacting the Police we found Mr. Maxwell’s truck at his residence. The Caddo Valley Officer known as “Rowdy” made contact with him and returned to our place followed by him with our destroyed central air unit in the back of his pick-up. When he arrived the first thing out of his mouth to us was he was sorry and when asked what gave him the right to take it he stated, “Huber told me too!”
The Officer spoke with Mr. Huber on the accused phone and he acknowledged that he did send his employee there but apparently there was a misunderstanding.

No misunderstanding its VERY understandable that Mr. Jonathan Huber orders his employs to steal central air units and there for by proxy is a common thief himself.

Mr. Huber stated one time, to a crowed of people who were simply trying to get running water with a heat index of over 100 that he wanted arrested/cited for digging holes in his precious trailer park yard that, “Ignorance of the law is no excuses” well Mr. Huber in response to that statement you were told that day “Remember that because it will come back to bite you in the ass someday” and looks like you just lost a BIG chunk of yours!

More to follow after Court:

Politicians are FULL of Shit & So Is Justice of the Peace Huber’s Yards!

These are photos taken September 19th 2010 showing two separate areas of sewer lines on Mr. Huber’s
Frost Rd.
property in Caddo Valley Arkansas. Mr. Huber was personally and directly notified of this unsanitary and unsafe condition MONTH’s prior and has done nothing to repair the issues. This is much similar to the situation involving, the White Elephant Apartments. The White Elephant Apartment’s will be presented in a future article, as SlumLords Exposed has acquired the States file in regards to the hideous disregard, by Huber for public safety & health.

As for the pictures in this article you can clearly see the open sewage lines at ground level these are located in a ground formation that when it rains and the water fills the pipes as the water level rises it contaminates the yard as well the run off is directed to the down hill side where children play.

A verbal complaint has been lodged with both the Caddo Valley Police Department as well Mayor Allen Dillavou has been advised.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

From Seeds To Weeds CUT Your Dam Grass!

This picture was taken September 19th 2010 of the grass on an adjacent lot to ours on
Frost Rd.
as the picture indicates the grass is OVER 2 ft. tall. This area is to be maintained by Mr. Huber which he fails to properly do. In the time that we resided there while under his ownership, this area was cut by him one time that is known.

UNTIL this picture was taken! Along with a verbal complaint lodge with the City, as well as the post on numerous consumer information websites. Pointing out the lack of proper maintenance! It is only ASSUMED that it was Mr. Huber that had the lawn cut. But as routinely occurs with property such as Mr. Huber’s, residents must seek remedy through self help. So just as easily it may have been a renter or neighbor that grew tired of the eye sore Mr. Huber maintained and cut the lawn themselves.

If it was Mr. Huber, that cut the lawn.  A BIG pat on the back to him and an AT- AH –BOY. I am exuberant that this website is making changes in Mr. Huber’s habits & behavior, that are beneficial to the public as well renters and the neighborhoods that properties like this reside in.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

The Awesome Integrity Of Caddo Valley Officers.

Meet the Officer from Caddo Valley that was present the morning of Justice of the Peace Jonathan Huber’s BRUTAL attack on our defenseless sign and the national attack on free speech!

This is a picture taken of him while patrolling our neighborhood after Mr. Huber continued to harass us by parking in front of our place & having his employees continually drive by to harass.

This Officer returned to apologize, for his earlier actions, and we must commend him for doing so. It shows a TREMENDOUS amount of integrity of our local police department. After the full facts came fourth as to what transpired ALL officers involved acted in the up most courteous and professional manner. Even to the point of one coming by late at night checking on us while walking our Mascot “Nacho” and providing us with affidavits to file with the Prosecutor for the Destruction of Property and Criminal Trespass.

Everyone makes mistakes in judgment; it’s how you handle those mistakes afterwards that show the weight you have in your integrity. Our hat’s are off to Chief David Thomason & Mayor Alan Dillavou in there choice of Officers to represent and protect the City of Caddo Valley and its residents.

Taking The Show On The Road

So what do you do when your landlord disagrees with your political stand point and whines like a little sissy to the police about the sign on land you lease from him. To the point it has to be removed OFF his land. You take the show on the road!!  & mount it to a towable trailer.  And from the amount of coverage it gets now is MUCH better than it setting on a dead end street, like Frost Road.

While on its maiden voyage to Arkadelphia Wal-Mart, NUMEROUS people took pictures of it. One family even stopped and commended us on the sign and how glad they were someone stood up to Justice of the Peace Huber.

They even went on to tell their story how they had been without hot water for three weeks and that their door locks didn’t work. When Mr. Huber was contacted about fixing them the parties all stated his answer was that he would just evict them rather than make the repairs.

If this is true, it would run concurrent with numerous other stories that are coming to the surface as well is very similar to what occurred at his property on Frost Rd.

Justice of the Peace Jonathan Huber, Commits Crime. City Violates Civil Rights!

On September the 19th  2010 at approximately 2:00 am. A LIGHTED sign was placed in our yard at 230 Frost in Caddo Valley, Arkansas. For all the good people, of Caddo Valley to see on their way to Sunday service.  That after Justice of the Peace Jonathan Huber of Huber Rentals as well an unknown individual in a gray Dodge Ram truck with a Turtle Pointe Golf Club logo on the side arrived at the residence, they were joined with a officer of the Caddo Valley Police Department.
Mr. Huber then entered the property and began causing damage to the sign in the presence of the officer. When we stated that it was our personal property and that he had no right to touch it as well the property where it was located was under lease until September 30th 2010, the officer threatened to arrest us. The Officer then allowed Mr. Huber to continue to destroy the sign by ripping the lights from it, breaking bulbs as well the strapping holding the lights on and in reality assaulting a female during the commission of a crime. He then pushed it over breaking a leg on it.
ALL in the presence of the officer, who did nothing to stop the crime! So the totality of the evidence clearly shows it was the intent of the Caddo Valley Police Department to violate our rights to free speech, freedom of the press as well rights to due process and therefore all parties involved are Joint Tortfeasor along with the City of Arkadelphia / Clark County due to JUSTUCE OF THE PEACE Jonathon Huber’s action in the color of his Office. As the sign is CLEARLY, POLITICAL in nature.